Friday, January 23, 2009

cool stuff #3

Since we were talking about how all music cultures seem to eventually flow into the other, I found this you tube sound clip of and Indonesian pop singer named TiTi Dj. Surprisingly, the music seems very westernized due to the computer synthesized orchestrations and the smooth pop beat.

Shifting over to Japan, here is a very talented woman playing the shamisen. Be sure to watch her fingers- they are so fast! I actually got the full effect of what the shamisen is supposed to sound like.

I believe that my ears have officially adjusted to the timbre of the sitar after listening to Anoushka Shankar. She has won a fan! Here are two videos of her performing. The first video is her at a concert. The video was taken from some one's DVD and put on you tube. The second is of her talking about the production of her CD "Rise". After watching this one and seeing how involved she is with her CD production process, I am a great fan and believe that she is a true talent.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... the shamisen player is wonderful! It was so fast but clear. I love how the plectrum makes that precussive "thwap" every time she plucks the strings.
    I also really love the Anoushka Shankar videos. Your blog is very interesting Denisha! Have a lovely evening!
